Painting Celebrations
Creative, Joyful, Interactive
Glory Gazing’s Painting Celebrations are a creative way to express our thoughts and understanding of Scripture.
How do Painting Celebrations work?
- A Scripture verse is spoken in unison by the group and is followed by prayer.
- Each person is given a canvas that has lightly-drawn guidelines.
- Priscilla then leads the group, step by step, through the painting process of the image that reflects the Scripture verse.
- Each person is encouraged to have their own unique touch visible in the painting.
- Participants have an opportunity to share what the experience was like for them.
Where are these Painting Celebrations held?
They can be hosted almost anywhere: in homes, churches, schools etc. Wherever there’s room for tables, chairs and painting supplies there’s room for a Painting Celebration!
Who can host a Painting Celebration?
Celebrations are typically hosted by individuals, churches, or retreat centers.
How long are the sessions?
Painting Celebrations can be scheduled for 2 or 3 hours.
How many people can be involved?
That’s a great question. Typically there are 9-14 participants; the maximum number of people that can participate is 25. Each participant needs space similar to a place setting at a dinner table.
Do I have to bring my own supplies?
No, all supplies are provided.
Do I need to know how to paint?
Nope! Priscilla will guide you through the process.
How much is a Painting Celebration?
A 2-hour celebration is $40 per person. A 3-hour session is $45 per person. If you host a party for 6 or more, the host is free.
What all is involved in hosting a Painting Celebration?
After a date is secured, you must send a nonrefundable check to Glory Gazing Ministries for $60.
- Pray for and invite as many guests you have room for up to 25.
- Select the Scripture verse to paint within 2 weeks of the event. (Priscilla needs this to complete her planning for the event.)
- Remind guests of the event and provide a final number of guests one week prior to the event.
- Collect the money from the guests.
- Provide balance of payment to Glory Gazing Ministries on the day of the event.
- Make sure all guests fill complete and return the survey at the close of the event
What happens if I need to cancel the event?
If a Painting Celebration is canceled within 3 weeks of the event, there will be a $60 non-refundable donation. In the case of inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled for another time.
What does the host do on the day of the event?
The host must set up tables and chairs for her guests. Priscilla will bring plastic and cover the tables. The host is responsible to cover any other surfaces that he/she would like to protect (floor and/or chairs) from possible paint spills. Priscilla will arrive one hour before the event to set up the canvases and paints.
This was the most restful, peaceful time, soaking in worship and praise music while working on creative expression. You don’t need to have any particular talent. It’s so great to see what happens when you let God lead you through the time.I cannot tell you how much this has helped me find a special place with God that I’ve never known before. I learn so much about myself every time I paint. There is an intimacy that you find with God while creating that is so special. Learning to trust Him and let Him speak through you. . . it’s just such a special gift.
My picture isn’t complete and it isn’t perfect. I am not perfect nor am I an artist, but look what you can do if you allow yourself some Grace. I did the major parts but am waiting to see what else God would like added. You can do this too!Linda Roser, A Painting Celebration Participant
Contact Priscilla to Schedule aPainting Celebration!

Participants at a recent Painting Celebration
Painting Celebration Based on Isaiah 55: 10 – 12

Beginning canvas

Starting to take shape

Adding depth and movement

Trees taking shape

More rich green hues

“The mountains and the hills will break forth. . .”

Paintings in progress

Expressions of joy and thanksgiving!
Painting Celebration Based on Isaiah 61:3

Starting point for Isaiah 61:3

The background

Out of the Ashes!

One Participant’s creation!