Sleeper Wake Up!

Sleeper Wake Up!What are you going to do with a God like that?

The scriptural base for this painting is Ezekiel 1 and 10. One must read these passages to fully grasp the depth of this painting. There are many other perspectives to the painted revelation to be sure as it is highly symbolic.

The more sensitive one becomes to the holiness of God the more grievous ungodliness is. As I read through the Ezekiel passages I was brought into God’s heart as He grieved over Israel’s rebellious heart. Proclaiming “Holy-Holy-Holy” all over the blank canvas was a powerful intercessory act.

This painting was imparted one step at a time; I was not given everything at once. It required me to intensely listen and obey.

I became aware that this painting was not intended to be restfully pleasing. It is meant for disturbing the complacent heart and mind. Those who want to be disturbed and awakened will be drawn into it and not fully know why.

I believe this image pokes at the unprepared, in-denial, chosen sleepiness within. We tend to make God into our more comfortable images.

The humans pictured here even appear disturbingly plastic, numb and disconnected to me. Some folks find them full of peace and purity.

For me to enjoy this painting I must remember the journey of its conception and birthing – my encounter with God in its unfolding, which in the end left me exhausted and empty. Ezekiel 2: 6-8; 3: 7-9 reminded me to not yield to the lesser values that seek self-gratification.

The question remains not only in the title but also in the experience of the image. What are you going to do with a God like this?

He is a God who surrounds Himself with thunderous noises, fire, lightning, very strange speeding creatures. His environment totally blows our senses and our arrogance. We choose to sit before an image like this to let our God out of our tiny boxes.