Glory Gazing Retreats
Creating Moments of Inspiration and Respite
Customized to Meet Your Needs
Glory Gazing Ministry retreats are created to fit the need of your group. We have done them in all kinds of time frames from a few hours to 3 days. Some were centered around the painting (with music) and some around creative journaling, even some on my painting while others create on their own. They are all unique experiences.
Paintings and Music Retreats
The paintings would be set up with easel and lights and covered when retreat participants arrive. The participants slowly go on a journey from one painting to another. The sharing between participants is the greater part of this journey. The paintings with music and viewer stillness clearly become like windows through which are many journeys.
I share my sense of the painting but I embrace others’ experiences and interpretation as part of the whole revelation God is bringing to us.
Painting While Others Watch and Create
Whether it is while worship is going on during a “service” or being in a room called a prayer station in a silent retreat I paint while others respond. When art supplies are there for folks they make use of the creative atmosphere and have their own interaction with God going on. Again music accompanies this process. It is a powerfully unique experience. Even those who never in their adult life created like this discover that Holy Spirit can bring a release they never thought could come through them; they only had to become childlike and say “YES” to whatever God would want to do with them.
These surprises and creative responses are precious to God and bring people into joyful refreshment.